March 26, 2004

Two Charlie Harts

Today's Ithaca Journal has a letter from Nancy Hart of the Town of Dryden, noting that there are two Charlie Harts in the town. Her husband, the Charlie Hart on Lee Road, is not the same person as the Charlie Hart who's been writing letters (for instance, this and this) to the Journal:

While my husband has very high standards and values and follows his conscience when it is time to make political decisions, it is highly unlikely that he would be inclined to share political opinions in any public forum. His name and our full Lee Road address is in the phone book and therefore has been assumed to be the "letter writing Charlie Hart."
We would like that there be no mistaken identity in this matter.

There's also an article on Lansing resident Brian Goodell, who's running for the Democratic nomination for Congress in the 24th District, which includes Dryden.

Posted by simon at March 26, 2004 7:58 AM in
Note on photos