May 30, 2004

Superintendent retirement, county legislation

Yesterday's Ithaca Journal has an article on Dryden Superintendent Patricia Archambault's upcoming retirement, looking over her last five years in Dryden as well as a career that went from South Seneca to Newfield through BOCES and around the state to Dryden. The Dryden Elementary PTA will be hosting a farewell reception for her on Wednesday, June 16th, from 7pm-8:30pm at the Dryden Elementary School cafeteria.

Dryden County Legislator Mike Lane will be introducing a resolution to shift re-assessment from its current annual cycle to a cycle of three years. It didn't get moved on in the Government Operations Committee. There will also be a vote on putting the Republicans' County Executive proposal on the ballot in November. (I still don't see the point in that one.)

In less pleasant news, a 14-year boy from Freeville was killed when he ran a stop sign on an ATV, while a Dryden woman has been charged with second-degree forgery.

In Laurels and Darts, Dryden resident Murray Cohen sends presidential candidate Ralph Nader a dart for "making it easier for George Bush to continue as the most powerful person in the world."

The Journal has a lot of articles on Tompkins County World War II veterans in honor of the World War II memorial's dedication. None of them explicitly mention Dryden, but the stories of Bill Alford, Hugh Corrigan, Charles Hurlbut, John Belcher, Sr., and Roy Bair are well worth reading.

Posted by simon at May 30, 2004 10:07 AM in , ,
Note on photos