June 1, 2004

Alumni dinner, creek training

Catching up on yesterday's Ithaca Journal, there was an announcement for the Dryden Central School District all-year reunion dinner, which will be on Saturday, June 12th, at the McLean Fire Station. Festivities start at 4pm, with dinner at 6pm.

Today's paper notes training for volunteers monitoring Six Mile Creek, to be held from 10am to noon on Saturday, June 5th at the Caroline Town Hall (map). The Town of Dryden is participating in that project.

Jury selection has begun in the case of the November robbery at the Song Tao restaurant in the Village of Dryden.

Finally, David R. Lee, a Town of Dryden resident newly elected to the Ithaca school board, responds in detail to Vic Anand's earlier complaints about what he gets for his taxes here compared to his previous home in Virginia.

Posted by simon at June 1, 2004 8:40 AM in , ,
Note on photos