August 10, 2004

Catching up with the Courier

A new issue of the Dryden Courier will be out tomorrow, and I'm still catching up on last week's. (Unfortunately I missed the week before, but I'll track one down.)

The lead stories are on the Dryden Central School District's decision to subsidize summer school only for 11th and 12th graders, not for those in lower grades, and the Village of Dryden's annexation of 21.6 acres north of Route 38 that the Town Board approved back in March (with a SEQR declaration in April).

There are also two pictures from the 4-H Youth Fair and an article on the election of Zachary Slocum as TC3 student trustee.

Posted by simon at August 10, 2004 8:54 PM in , ,
Note on photos