September 21, 2004

Jail choice tonight

Dryden news is mostly quiet today, but the county is poised to make a $19.96 million (or $2.13 million) decision tonight: what to do about the county jail. The more expensive option will expand the jail to 136 beds, while the cheaper option will repair the existing 72-bed jail.

Community Briefs note that the county Environmental Management Council has an open seat to be appointed by the Village of Freeville, and that $500 community beautification grants for rural towns and villages are available once again.

On the editorial page, the Journal announces that it will not endorse incumbents for the state Assembly or Senate, recognizing that "the problem lies with the entire Legislature -- particularly in the rules that govern it," but concluding that "an endorsement of any Assembly or Senate incumbent at this time would be a tacit approval of state government performance."

The Journal isn't the only paper to take such a stand recently - the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (also a Gannett paper) did something similar this week. (For news on New York State political reform generally, I recommend NYCO's Blog, which has been following primaries and activity closely.)

Posted by simon at September 21, 2004 8:48 AM in , ,
Note on photos