November 6, 2004

Celebrating a year

I started this site one year ago. I was depressed about an election then, and I am depressed about an election now. A lot has improved in the last year, though, and this site has helped me find better things.

Looking over the Village of Dryden
Looking over the Village of Dryden in fall.

I'll be indulging a bit this week in looking over things I've learned, events that tell particularly interesting stories, and looking at where I'd like this site to accomplish.

Dryden has proven far richer than I expected. When I started, I wondered if one story every day was realistic. As it's turned out, there have been many days where I've had four or five, and I feel like I'm just barely scratching the surface of what happens here. It may not be obvious driving around Dryden or reading the paper, but there are all kinds of activity going on in all parts of the town.

Update: I've also written about this at my blog for work. I keep hoping to see more people do something similar with their community.

Posted by simon at November 6, 2004 10:42 AM in
Note on photos