November 19, 2004

Dryden quiet, county busy

There's not much directly about Dryden in today's Ithaca Journal, but there's plenty about issues that affect Dryden.

They've published a list of TC3 students receiving scholarships, including several from Freeville and Dryden.

Negotiations between TCAT and its unions, required for the transition to a non-profit organization, seem to keep hitting snags. This all has to sort out by January 1st for the transition to proceed smoothly.

Sam Walcott, the driver of a pickup truck buried under salt yesterday between Dryden and Cortland, seems to be fine.

The state Assembly and Senate met briefly this week, choosing their leaders (the same ones). An Assembly steering committee met privately about how to reform their chamber, while the Senate held a press conference about reform. The Senate also voted to repeal the state's taking of traffic fine money from municipalities, though the article doesn't make clear if this is also supported by the Assembly or the Governor.

On the opinion page, the Journal urges county legislators to settle the jail issue and get on to other business, and avoid an Albany-like stalemate.

Picking up on that theme, Henrik Dullea of Cornell provides some contrast to yesterday's tepid reform piece by Assemblywoman Lifton with a guest column that lays out problems and proposes solutions. He suggests:

"Reform of the rules of the Assembly and Senate; improvements in media coverage of legislative operations; constitutional revision; and actions at the ballot box by you and me and citizens all across New York....

"The state Legislature has many good and decent people in its ranks, including those who represent us from Tompkins County. But every legislator votes at the start of each legislative session on the rules that permit these outrageous practices to persist. We have to demand that they fight for fundamental change, severely limiting the powers of their leaders and increasing the opportunities for individual legislators, the minority parties and the public to play real roles in the shaping of public policy."

While a guest column doesn't provide enough space to dive into the details, I find Dullea's proposals much more likely to make New York run in a vaguely democratic fashion again than Lifton's proposals yesterday.

Posted by simon at November 19, 2004 8:32 AM in , , , , ,
Note on photos