December 8, 2004

Victorian Festival; physical therapy; jail voted down

Cathy Wakeman's describes last Friday's Victorian Winter Festival and provides a list of holiday events yet to come in today's Ithaca Journal.

There's also a profile of Freeville physical therapist Richard Weiner, looking at a class he taught in Ithaca on the Feldenkrais Method.

The Ithaca City School District continues to discuss redistricting, though no plans have yet been drawn.

At the county level, the budget passed and the jail did not. The Journal doesn't give a breakdown of the 8-7 vote, but quotes County Legislator George Totman as supporting the jail project and County Legislator Martha Robertson as opposing it.

At the state level (and in the print edition only), the Assembly and Senate passed Rockefeller drug law reform. Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton is quoted as "relatively pleased" with the legislation, saying:

"It's not everything we'd been hoping for, but it's a good beginning... It's right and sensible and good for everybody all around."

There's no comment from State Senator Jim Seward or Tompkins County District Attorney George Dentes, who has supported the Rockefeller laws strongly in the past.

On the opinion page, Amos White of Dryden calls for more assistance at the county recycling center, while Carol Cleveland of Dryden writes about accountability in electronic voting machines and possible fraud in the 2004 election.

Posted by simon at December 8, 2004 8:52 AM in , , , , , ,
Note on photos