February 16, 2005

Welsh ponies, free tax prep

In this morning's Ithaca Journal, Cathy Wakeman's Dryden Town Talk takes a look at Welsh pony trainer Amy Schwartz and rider Junelle King, National Grand Champion of the United States Equestrian Foundation Welsh Pony Division. Schwartz is raising 30 ponies at Kelviden Farm on West Dryden Road, and chairs a large Welsh Pony show at the State Fairgrounds. Wakeman points to the Kelviden Farm web site at the end of her article, and it's well worth a visit.

Briefly in Dryden (and Briefly in Groton) mention a number of upcoming Dryden events:

  • The Planning Board will be having a public hearing on the Draft Comprehensive Plan on Thursday, February 17th at 7:15pm at Neptune Hose Company (map). I posted an introductory article on this last week.

  • Alternatives Federal Credit Union will be offering free tax preparation for members of the community with low and moderate incomes on Saturday, February 19th, from 10:00am to 2:00pm at TC3 (map).

  • There will be a flea market at the Varna Community Center (map) from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Lunch will be available from 11:00am to 2:00pm.

  • Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton will be hosting a Town Meeting on Tuesday, February 22nd, at 7:00pm at the Dryden Town Hall (map). She'll also be having similar meetings in Cortland, Virgil, and Ithaca.

Briefly in Tompkins mentions that Congressman Sherwood Boehlert will be launching a monthly cable television show on local cable channels.

Update: I forgot to mention the vote on Lake Source Cooling monitoring. Legislator George Totman voted against requesting that Cornell keep nine sites, Legislator Mike Lane voted for it, and Legislator Martha Robertson was absent. The Journal quotes Lane, who had earlier been sympathetic to a reduction to seven stations but not to two, as saying "I just have not been persuaded that we should change what we are doing."

Posted by simon at February 16, 2005 8:26 AM in , , ,
Note on photos