March 11, 2005

Etna man in high-speed chase

This morning's Ithaca Journal reports that an Etna man faces 25 charges after a high-speed chase through Collegetown and along Route 366 Saturday night. Timothy Troy allegedly hit multiple vehicles, including a head-on collision, and was arrested the next day after officers traced his license plate.

A college student from Dryden is in Antarctica for a month on an "expedition to determine if events like the recent ice shelf breakups have occurred in the past 10,000 years or if these are unprecedented events." Perhaps Ashley Hatfield of Hamilton College liked Dryden winters so much she wants more? (It is summer in Antarctica, though.)

Ithaca schools will continue to support open enrollment through whatever redistricting they do, the board decided last night at a public hearing on elementary school redistricting.

The Journal's editorial questions the value of spacing assessments out over several years instead of doing it annually, arguing that the real problem is spending. They're right about the real problem, but having watched the Town Board create a new budget based on keeping the tax rate rather than the levy the same, I think it's fair to say that assessments play an important role in how governments make those spending decisions.

There's also a letter from Joseph Benedict of Ithaca, which questions an earlier letter from a doctor who "praised another doctor [Dryden resident John Ferger] for his stance on supporting abortion and his help for Planned Parenthood, asking "isn't this hypocritical?" Sometimes Ithaca Journal letters just leave me sputtering.

Posted by simon at March 11, 2005 8:41 AM in , , , ,
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