May 19, 2005

English test scores mostly improve

This morning's Ithaca Journal has an article on the latest test scores for fourth- and eighth-grade English released by the State Education Department. Across the state, fourth-graders are doing better while eighth-graders show little change.

The article focuses on individual schools within the Ithaca district, and a sidebar provides overall district results. Ithaca's results on the fourth-grade test improved overall, going from 68% passing to 77% passing, but declined on the eighth-grade test, going from 67% passing to 58% passing. Dryden's results improved generally, with fourth-graders going from 59% passing to 68%, and eighth-graders going from 41% to 50%.

Briefly in Tompkins lists two Dryden events. First, the Dryden Village and Town boards will be holding a joint meeting tonight at 7:30pm at Village Hall (map) to discuss the proposed Paul Simonet annexation along the eastern edge of the village. Also at the Village Hall, the Southworth Library will be having an Oprah's Book Club visit on May 20th at 7:00pm, with author Robert Morgan and his book Gap Creek.

Posted by simon at May 19, 2005 7:38 AM in , ,
Note on photos