August 23, 2005

County development, DA's race

Today's Journal is mostly quiet on Dryden (except for a correction announcing that the Ellis Hollow Fair will be September 10th), but there are stories on two important fronts in county news.

County Legislator Mike Lane is quoted in article about negotiations over tax breaks for the Cayuga Green project in Ithaca. The article notes that:

What the city would gain in exchange for the abatements was on the mind of IDA chairman Michael Lane.

He wanted to know what jobs would be created out of Cayuga Green, both for construction and thereafter, and whether Bloomfield would use local labor to accomplish the project.

There's also a report on District Attorney candidate Gwen Wilkinson's speech at Kiwanis yesterday:

Democratic District Attorney candidate Gwen Wilkinson vowed Monday to prosecute crimes she says the office ignores now, and make "smarter" decisions regarding drug prosecutions if she is elected in November.

Wilkinson, speaking at the weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Ithaca, told the group assembled at Kendal at Ithaca that she would make the DA's office again become a player in drug court and other alternatives to incarceration programs. She criticized incumbent Republican George Dentes for pulling out of a team of various agencies that worked on child abuse crimes.

I delivered a lot of Wilkinson signs to houses around Dryden this weekend; if you'd like one, leave a comment! (Update: I don't know where to find George Dentes signs, and haven't seen any yet, but if you want those, the Tompkins County Republican Party site seems like the place to start.)

Posted by simon at August 23, 2005 6:52 AM in , ,
Note on photos