October 22, 2005

District 9 legislative candidates face off

The Ithaca Journal's news section is quiet on Dryden, noting again that the Dryden Senior Citizens will be holding their fund-raising bazaar today from 9:00am to 2:00pm at the Dryden Fire Hall (map).

The Journal's reporting on Thursday's League of Women Voters forum somehow manages not to mention any of the county legislature races in Dryden at all.

On the opinion page, however, there are perspectives from Democratic candidate Athena Kalandros and Republican candidate Duane "Tyke" Randall II on how they would represent their district, which includes Groton, the eastern edge of Lansing, and the northeastern corner of Dryden.

Also on the opinion page, Dryden resident Jason Leifer writes that:

In fact, Ms. Robertson has a better fiscal voting record than the Republicans in the county Legislature. Meanwhile, her opponent and his party crow about high taxes, speak of crumbling infrastructure, and endorse spending on facilities that we don't need - all while pushing tax cuts and corner cutting as the cure all for the county's problems. Her opponent's and his party's proposals do not make sense.

Just across the town line, on Game Farm Road, Cornell dedicated a new raptor facility.

Posted by simon at October 22, 2005 12:43 PM in
Note on photos