October 28, 2005

Legislative races

I was too busy yesterday to sit down and write, but there wasn't much in Dryden news in yesterday's Ithaca Journal, except for a couple of pieces that fit well with today's paper.

The Journal's head-to-head pieces on the opinion page include County Legislator Martha Robertson and challenger Dave Restey yesterday, and County Legislator Mike Lane and challenger Mike Hattery today.

There was also a letter from Richard Couch of Freeville supporting Lane yesterday, and a letter from Kevin Kimber of Dryden supporting Paul Lutwak in the Dryden Town Board race.

In local news, there's an overview of the District 9 race between Athena Kalandros and Duane "Tyke" Randall II.

Two pieces on energy appear in the print edition as well. There is a supplement on saving energy with all kinds of information about reducing home energy use, and a piece on the New York Public Service Commission's rejection of a plan to divert money from energy efficiency to direct payments for low-income customers. I don't see any sign that NYSEG offered to reduce its own rates to these customers, so it looks painfully self-serving. Take the cash now, and keep it out of the hands of programs designed to reduce energy use for those same customers over the long run. NYSEG would both get the money and make more later selling energy that might not have been needed otherwise. Even with the rejection, they'll no doubt paint the PSC as the enemy of the poor. They're not - they just have a longer-term vision that isn't quite as nice to NYSEG as NYSEG would like.

Posted by simon at October 28, 2005 12:21 PM in
Note on photos