November 8, 2005

Is there really an election today?

There is indeed an election today, but you wouldn't know it from looking at the Ithaca Journal until you reached the editorial, titled "Ignore it all but the blood". The bottom left corner of page 1B lists election dinners. Page 3B has a list of polling places and more mention of Election Day dinners.

I was curious if other papers were this uninterested in it's being an election day, so I ran down to Mayer's. The Journal's fellow Gannett papers, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle and the Elmira Star-Gazette, both have signs of an election above the fold. Rochester has a banner at the top of the page and an article below the fold. Elmira has a story with a small color banner on the front page. In Corning, even coverage of a sibling murder-suicide still leaves a top right-hand column for election news. Closer to home, the Cornell Daily Sun has a banner, an article, and even a map of where to vote. I'll check on the Syracuse, Binghamton, and Cortland papers tonight.

Oskar Schmidt of Dryden outlines a five step plan for leaving Iraq, and the front page does look at news next to Dryden, examining questions raised for Forest Home by a proposed deer fence around Plantations land.

Also, today's your last chance to vote with New York's classic lever machines. Jay Gallagher looks at controversy swirling around proposed new machines.

Posted by simon at November 8, 2005 2:25 PM in
Note on photos