November 3, 2005

Town and County politics

Today's Ithaca Journal has lots of politics, including lots of Dryden politics. The Town Board race gets a meet-the-candidates article, and there's an article on the 14th district legislature race, but unfortunately the profiles of County Legislator Mike Lane and challenger Mike Hattery aren't online.

The opinion pages have the last day of letters on local elections, though they published a large number - including my own letter - only online in a large list, so I can't point to specific letters there. This is incredibly frustrating, as there are letters there from Dryden residents supporting (and sometimes opposing) practically every candidate out there. My own letter is the second from last.

The only Dryden letter which gets print space (last) and its own page comes from Republican Village of Dryden Mayor Reba Taylor, endorsing Mike Hattery. There's also a letter from Town of Ithaca resident Thomas Pine supporting W. David Restey for the 13th district legislative race.

Posted by simon at November 3, 2005 12:29 PM in ,
Note on photos