March 14, 2006

Challenger Arcuri discusses run against Boehlert

This morning's Ithaca Journal reports on Oneida County District Attorney Michael Arcuri's run for Congress. Incumbent Sherwood Boehlert "said Monday he'd reached a decision [about running again], but wouldn't elaborate." The reporter asked Arcuri and Boehlert their positions on a number of local and national issues, and compares them.

An article on baby-sitting includes Tom Archibald, Rural Youth Services program manager for Danby and Dryden, talking about a free “Super Sitters� training program.

The Tompkins County SPCA will have a lot of dogs available for adoption in the near future, as 62 dogs, many of them puppies, will be arriving from Enfield over the next few weeks.

Posted by simon at March 14, 2006 7:44 AM in ,
Note on photos