March 1, 2006

Groton woman killed on North Road

Unfortunately, the accident the Journal listed as breaking news yesterday turned out to be a fatal accident, killing a woman from Groton. The driver was arrested for DWI and manslaughter.

Much of the rest of the Dryden news in today's paper is only in the print edition, not online. There's an article on Bryn Carr, a recent Dryden High School graduate who is studying archeology and anthropology at the University of Durham and researching medieval skeletons in Serbia.

Cathy Wakeman discusses this coming Saturday morning's meeting of the Dryden Central School Strategic Planning process, which will be looking at the school's decision making process, strengths and weaknesses, near term challenges, and long-term challenges. She also notes that the Etna Community Church was having an Ash Wednesday service today, and that Holy Cross Church will be having its McGilligan's Ball next Sunday, the 18th, at TC3.

Briefly in Dryden lists:

  • A lasagna dinner will be held starting at 4:00pm on Saturday at the Varna Community Center (map).

  • Early bird tickets for the Dryden Central School's 2006 Multi-year Reunion - which get you in for door prizes - must be purchased by March 12. Regular tickets are available until July 21. Tickets are available at Dryden McDonald's and Burger King, or online.

  • There will be a rummage sale from 9:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday, March 11th in the Dryden Middle School cafeteria. Dryden Junior National Honor Society is sponsoring it, and booths cost $25 each.

  • The Dryden Youth Commission needs a Dryden resident to join them.

On the opinion page, the editorial looks at the contrast between upstate and downstate.

Posted by simon at March 1, 2006 8:20 PM in ,
Note on photos