April 12, 2006

Camp Farthest Out

This week's Dryden Town Talk seems to be the Easter Week edition, as Cathy Wakeman focuses on church activities. She reports on the Camp Farthest Out activities that will be at the Reach Out for Christ church on April 21st and 22nd, and lists church services at Dryden's Presbyterian and Methodist churches as well as the Etna Community Church.

Dryden fire chief Ron Flynn is quoted in an article about the destructive fire which gutted the clock tower building in Cortland yesterday about the speed at which the fire spread, saying "When they got there, there was smoke coming from just about everywhere in the building,"

The Monitor reports that a Dryden man already in the Tompkins County Jail now faces two charges of assaulting corrections officers.

The Ithaca School Board passed a budget with a 4.9% increase in spending and a 4.7% increase in taxes.

Governor Pataki has his veto pen out, and there may be some drama over the next few months as the legislature overrides them or not, and possibly legal action over the roles of the governor and legislature as well.

Freeville resident and self-described conservative Republican Paul Semo finds new City of Ithaca Republican Chair Tom Ludgate's recent guest column to be too much:

If Howard Dean's rantings are proof of the demise of the Democratic party, then the last thing the Republicans' need is another Bible-thumping orator of their own. This is exactly the stereotype that Republicans and other middle class such as myself (yes, there are non-wealthy Republicans out there) dread....

We need strong statements of purpose and direction, built on economic and political foundations. Not finger pointing and you're-all-going-to-hell rhetoric. Otherwise the right is collapsing into a muddle of pointless bickering no different from the left.

The Journal's editorial encourages readers to write state senators about the need to address FOIL reform, something Majority Leader Joseph Bruno seems content to sit on. Open government? How would that help him?

Posted by simon at April 12, 2006 8:36 AM in , , , , ,
Note on photos