April 4, 2006

Dryden school budget waits on Governor

This morning's Ithaca Journal visits the latest Dryden school budget meeting. The state legislature's budget includes a lot for Dryden, but the legislature passing the budget isn't enough to make that final: the governor needs to approve the budget too. (Or the legislature could override his vetoes.) When they hear from the state, they hope to reinstate some of the 14 proposed staff to be cut, replenish reserve funds dented by energy costs, and lower the tax levy increase from 12.85%. They'll meet again April 13th, with a final budget due the 20th.

The Journal also has an interview with a Republican candidate for Sherwood Boehlert's congressional seat, former Seneca Falls Mayor Brad Jones. Jones supports the president in Iraq, wants to consider eliminating federal agencies like the Department of Education and the IRS, thinks "we need less spending and government," and a national sales tax, and wants to see ethanol or biodiesel production in this area.

Posted by simon at April 4, 2006 8:33 AM in , ,
Note on photos


KAZ said:

The state legislature's budget has a lot to do with this being an election year. Next year they won't be so generous, and Dryden will be right back in the hole if they don't hold fast and tighten their belts now.