May 16, 2006

School votes today, noon to 9:00pm

This morning's Ithaca Journal includes an editorial summarizing school board elections today. Dryden schools have a vote on the budget and referendums and an uncontested race for the board, while Ithaca schools have a budget vote, a few spending referendums, and six people running for three seats.

If you live in the Dryden school district, voting is at the High School/Middle School on Route 38. If you live in the Ithaca City School District, voting location varies by where you live:

  • If you live in election district 1 or 5 (meaning you vote at Etna Fire Station in regular elections), the parts of the Ithaca district east of Baker Hill Road, you vote at Northeast Elementary School (map).

  • If you live in election district 4, which includes Varna, Hanshaw Road from Ithaca to Route 13, and the area between Game Farm and Turkey Hill Roads, you vote at the Varna Community Center (map).

  • If you live in election district 8, the south side of Ellis Hollow Road over Snyder Hill to Route 79 and Bethel Grove (and normally vote at Bethel Grove Church), you vote at the Belle Sherman Annex (map).

  • If you live in election district 9, the north side of Ellis Hollow Road, Ellis Hollow Creek, Ringwood Road, and many other smaller roads there, then you vote at Caroline Elementary School (map).

Posted by simon at May 16, 2006 8:47 AM in , ,
Note on photos


KAZ said:

Dryden voting is 7 AM to 9 PM.