May 19, 2006

TC3 graduates 615

This morning's Ithaca Journal reports on last night's TC3 graduation (in the print edition only), where 615 people received Associate's Degrees. Among the graduates the Journal spoke with is Amanda Christofferson, who graduated in a year after taking classes at Dryden High School which were dual-credit at TC3.

The Journal also reports on hope for the Village of Dryden's "sewage saga", Resources for Communities and People Solutions (RCAP) now seems to be helping the Village sort through the regulatory and funding process for its proposed new sewage treatment plant, and they're going to set up an outflow monitor at the old treatment plant to try to get a number for the inflow, with which they can sort out the long-standing Cortland Road Sewer District questions with the Town. The Journal concludes:

Movements on both these fronts will mean that the village will have a new sense of momentum behind a project that's been stumbling forward for years. The sewage treatment plant is at capacity, and until it is upgraded, the village cannot expand its sewer service and is simultaneously worrying about the aged system's ability to perform.

In county news, Democrat Peter Meskill announced that he will run for another term as Sheriff.

Posted by simon at May 19, 2006 7:49 AM in , ,
Note on photos