August 17, 2006

Freeville farm Organic; Etna candidate Libertarian

It's been a while since I reported on the Dryden Courier, but it's time to get back into it.

This week's cover has a picture of plants growing at Cornell's Freeville Organic Research Farm, which just received certification that it is in fact an organic farm.

Also on the cover, Etna Congressional candidate Mike Sylvia explains why he is running for Congress on the Libertarian ticket. Sylvia needs to collect 3500 signatures within the district by August 22nd to get on the ballot, which currently includes Republican Ray Meier and Democrat Michael Arcuri. In the editorial, the editor hopes to get to write some "local boy makes good" stories.

The Courier also reports that Congressman Sherwood Boehlert secured $23,563 for equipment and training for Freeville's W. B. Strong Fire Company.

There's an announcement of Sunday's historical program at the Plantation, and an article on new Dryden Football head coach John Nicholas, who moves up from being an assistant. They also include a schedule for fall sports.

Posted by simon at August 17, 2006 5:30 PM in , , , ,
Note on photos


Sylvia represents a national movement concerned about the ineffectiveness of governemnt. Socially tolerant and fiscally conservative.

Independent minded folks should consider any candidate who works as hard as he has in order just to be on the ballot. Mike's carried almost a 1000 signatures himself. That would be sufficient in Mississippi.