December 22, 2006

Accused Dryden teacher resigns

This morning's Ithaca Journal reports that the Dryden Physical Education teacher accused of public lewdness resigned.

TC3 grads have new opportunities at Niagara University, including study in Italy. Meanwhile, the fitness center at Dryden High offers fitness opportunities.

Sadly, it looks like no snow for Christmas.

On the opinion page, Cathy Wakeman writes of her disappointment in finding that the gingerbread village scene at Dryden Elementary had left out the Methodist Church. She and Town Historian Kim Gazzo built one on the spot, but Wakeman was unhappy that:

The modern American icons of McDonalds and Dunkin' Donuts were prominently displayed, while a 130-year-old building is denied entrance to the school out of a fear that has consumed our sensibilities.

The editorial reminds readers of the December 29th deadline for the NYSEG Voice Your Choice electricity program. While the Journal appears to brainlessly support one of the stupidest deregulation programs I've ever encountered, they do at least acknowledge that:

So along with grinches, fruit cakes and spoiled eggnog, here is Voice Your Choice to also dampen your [holiday] season.

Posted by simon at December 22, 2006 9:22 AM in , , , ,
Note on photos