December 6, 2006

Watching for peace

In this morning's Our Towns column, Cathy Wakeman writes about a great way to spend the holiday season:

Instead of looking at gadgets and toys, we're trying on our Santa glasses and trying to catch folks who might make it on his list. We're on the look out for people being kind, helpful, joyful, peaceful - you know, the opposite of the frenzied shoppers we keep hearing about in the news.

Fortunately, she finds lots of those folks in Dryden, and lists a lot of upcoming holiday events.

In In our Schools, Matt Colbert reports on recent Dryden basketball losses to Lansing.

Posted by simon at December 6, 2006 8:16 AM in
Note on photos


Someone said:

I have the power the power through god.. I studied witch craft and practice it and more compliants on me people of of dryden you wil get weather let you ner had before and to prove it I will cause the worst snow storm you ever had by magic by sight you'll wake up covered in white.