January 25, 2007

Fox, meet henhouse

In light of the recent questioning of NYSEG's ethics toward customers, employees, and regulators, why exactly is Governor Spitzer appointing the president of Energy East Management Corporation, former director of government affairs at NYSEG, to be chairwoman of the state Public Service Commission, which regulates NYSEG?

The industry seems to be salivating:

Officials at the Independent Power Producers of New York, Inc., said they applauded Spitzer's selection of Sparks-Beddoe.

"Our association and its members look forward to working with Sparks-Beddoe and the PSC to ensure that New York's competitive energy markets continue to serve as a model for the nation," said Gavin Donohue, president and CEO of the Albany-based trade association.

Wow. If Voice Your Choice, which the Journal just called "smoke and mirrors at best" is a model for the nation, this country's really in deep trouble.

Maybe so is Albany. Of course, maybe Angela Sparks-Beddoe will take all she learned at NYSEG and use it on behalf of the PSC to get us out of this crazy broken system.... I guess I can hope.

Update: And the alternative sounds like it might have been a lot better:

The transition crew has also been considering ... Michael Gerrard for the Public Service Commission....

Gerrard, a lawyer with Arnold & Porter who also has been mentioned for the DEC job, is well-respected in the energy and environmental fields. He has authored works such as "Brownfields Law and Practice: The Cleanup and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land." His latest book is on global warming (a field in which Spitzer wants to make a name for himself).

If Gerrard goes to the PSC, it means Energy East lobbyist Angela Sparks-Beddoe would be left out.

Oh well.

Posted by simon at January 25, 2007 4:03 PM in ,
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