November 17, 2007

Fishing in Dryden?

I'm contemplating taking up fishing next year, ideally in the stretch of Fall Creek that's a fifteen minute walk from my house. I've seen people fishing there, near the Route 13 bridge, but it doesn't seem to come up as an ideal spot in any of the sites or books I've seen. The only places in Dryden that people seem to praise are Fall Creek around McLean (though preferably on the Groton side) and Dryden Lake, for ice fishing.

It sounds like there are brown trout in Fall Creek, stocked by the state, and some small bass and other trout. Above Route 38 in Freeville, it's trout season all year, while below it trout season runs from April 1st to October 15th. Black bass seem to be in season all year on all of the creek in Dryden.

The last time I went fishing was in 1990, with my father in the Thousand Islands. He caught a fair number of fish, mostly pike; I caught nothing. I did have a cheap reel suddenly run out and then explode on our last day last chance, but by the time we got the line in, there was nothing there. There wasn't anything visible to grab it. Oh well. (I've had better luck saltwater fishing off of piers and boats, but nothing tremendous.)

Any thoughts on fishing here? I'm just getting started, not looking to be particularly fancy.

Posted by simon at November 17, 2007 9:09 PM in
Note on photos


Carol Stark Muench said:

I was interested to see the comment about fishing around McLean. Years ago when I lived on Gulf Hill Road my Dad and often I would go back along the little stream behind my old house behing the cemetary traversing the alders and such after Brownies. I can remember the sizzles of the beautiful trout as we would have them for breakfast. Ah the good old days of fishing and enjoying the woods out back. Good luck. Carol Stark Muench

Al Van De Weert said:

I like to fish Dryden Lake from a paddle boat, and the shore line along the trail. Catch a few bass quite often with lures. Catch a lot of weeds though. Nice quiet times earky in the am.