November 4, 2008

Vote today

It's election day!

Vote Today
Vote Today.

And here's my letter to the editor, with some suggestions beyond those signs:

While 2008 is a huge political year at the national and even the state levels, there are critical local elections happening as well - elections that have a big impact on our quality of life.

The Dryden Democrats are blessed this year with two candidates whose hard work for their their communities stands out.

Jason Leifer is running for the last year of the Town Board seat he was appointed to in January. He hit the ground running, working hard to get a wireless internet grant proposal into the state - which approved it - in his first month on the board. Since then, he has worked on improving Dryden's support for its community centers and recreation.

Joe Valentinelli is running for re-election as Town Justice. He has served Dryden well as a teacher and then as a Justice, and his commitment to his community shows in everything he does. Joe's many years devoted to Dryden have built strong connections that cross party lines.

Finally, I'd like to suggest that New York State needs to reconsider its pattern of putting most local elections on odd-numbered years. Yes, that approach does guarantee that local issues get more of a hearing by those paying close attention, but it also disconnects local politics from a large number of voters.

I strongly encourage Dryden residents to vote for the Democrats on the right side of the ballot, in addition to the ones they've seen in the national news.

Simon St.Laurent
Town of Dryden
Chair, Dryden Democratic Committee

And here's more on where to vote. (If you used to vote at the Dryden Baptist Church or the Dryden Village Hall, you now vote at the Dryden Fire Station.)

Posted by simon at November 4, 2008 8:55 AM in
Note on photos