December 27, 2008

Sungiva's ninth month

Sungiva is nine months old today. She might have mistaken Christmas for her birthday, as she got a lot of things and had a lot of fun, but I don't think she quite figured out what it was all about.

The mouse-bear sleeps.
The mouse-bear sleeps.

Sungiva explores the mirror in a trash can.
Sungiva explores the mirror in a trash can.

Sungiva studies.
Sungiva studies.

Sungiva enjoys her rocking horse.
Sungiva enjoys her rocking horse..

One of her more fun Christmas gifts, which you can see above, is a 3-in-1 highchair. It's a highchair, but it's also a desk (shown above) and a rocking horse. She also got exciting toys, clothes, and dishes, which I'm sure you'll see in future installments.

As always, for those who want to see more Sungiva, I've also posted a gallery.

Posted by simon at December 27, 2008 7:04 PM in
Note on photos