September 23, 2009

Never chase black ducks at twilight

Through an orchard full of black caps and other pointy plants. Our Cayuga ducks are great, but get more and more invisible as it gets darker. Every now and then we need to move them from place to place, which requires catching them. They'd spent a long time in our front yard orchard, and it was time for them to find a new home. Today seemed like a great day for it until that round of storms ate our remaining daylight.

Cayuga ducks resting on a sunny day.
Cayuga ducks resting on a sunny day.

Oh well. I should probably watch some Daffy Duck cartoons now. I think our ducks are smarter than him. Certainly better at escaping!

Posted by simon at September 23, 2009 7:53 PM in , ,
Note on photos


Rachel said:

I have a duck that looks just like this! His name is Daffy Duck! :D