It's not drilling into the Marcellus Shale, which has been the subject of lots of recent controversy as the state has published a draft Supplemental Generic Impact Statement.
This is apparently drilling into the Trenton-Black River formation, which is much deeper than the Marcellus but which has been in production - mostly to the south and west of here - for a while. Trenton-Black River drilling sounds like it's usually - but not necessarily - less complicated than Marcellus drilling.
The information I have on the drilling site is pretty basic:
The permitted site is "1900 feet south of Ferguson Road and 250 feet west of Irish Settlement Road ."
It would impact a max of 3.4 acres, dropping down to 0.9 over time. The well would be 19,000 feet deep.
Update: Apparently it's 9000 feet of drilling - 7000 vertical, 2000 horizontal.
The state, in what I fear is a sign of things to come, notified the Town after issuing a negative SEQR declaration, which allows drilling to proceed. Town Board member Jason Leifer has written the DEC to ask for a lot more details about the status, the process, and the plans for drilling.
I'll post more as I learn what's up.
Posted by simon at December 9, 2009 12:38 PM in energy
Hi, I was looking over your old links because I have an octopus furnace in my house that is refusing to blow. The fan won't run because it is claiming that the furnace filter is 30% over allowed limits. I can't even FIND the filter on this thing. Can you give me a hint what to look for?
Also, I'm attempting to fill out the assistance paperwork for the Energy Saving program and I was wondering how much of that did they assist in paying for or did they merely help you find contractors?