Tompkins County has created a list of all of its programs (1.3MB PDF). This is the kind of thing I'd like every level of government to do - track down and make public the programs they spend money on. Reading budgets is rarely fun, and this looks actually useful.
Apparently Canada Geese across the state will be under fire soon. Hunting them (and eating them) is fine with me, though I'm not really thrilled with the 'grab, gas and bury' approach they're talking about Downstate. I also wonder how much reducing the population in western New York will do much to reduce the numbers in New York City, whose airports have problems. Connecticut and New Jersey seem more likely to matter.
Update: Apparently at the Ithaca airport, right on the Dryden/Lansing line, deer are the bigger threat. That couldn't have been a fun landing for either the plane or the deer.
Posted by simon at July 27, 2010 8:49 AM in Ithaca Journal , public finance