January 20, 2011

Likes (and dislikes) about Dryden

The Dryden Listening Project presented its findings to the Town Board last night, reporting on the 122 interviews they conducted across the town earlier this year. Most of the conversation was about residents' views of hydrofracking, but they opened their interviews with two simple questions. "What do you like about living here?" and "What do you dislike about living here?" They summarized keywords from those responses in a pair of word graphs:

Likes about Dryden
Liking Dryden (Click for larger image)

Dislikes about Dryden
Disliking Dryden (Click for larger image)

The Town will be putting the Listening Project's full (48-page) report on their site, and I'll link to it when it's up. For now, I thought this was a good place to start.

Posted by simon at January 20, 2011 8:01 AM in
Note on photos


Katie Quinn-Jacobs said:

Thank you for posting this information in such a clear and accessible way.