August 24, 2011

Free local lunch at the Dryden Cafe September 17th

The Dryden Community Garden just continues to amaze me:

Get a free lunch at the Dryden Cafe! Dryden Community Garden sponsors a free lunch made of all local food, a meal you can make at home for $5.00 or less per serving.

Eating local, organic, and cruelty-free is not out of reach for lower incomes. This is a myth we are tearing down. Anyone can incorprate quality local food in at least a portion of their meals. Come to the Drdyen Cafe September 17 between noon and 2 pm to get a free lunch and recipes to take home!

Thank you Slow Food USA for the $5.00 meal idea. Please visit and read all about it!

Posted by simon at August 24, 2011 9:15 AM in ,
Note on photos