September 1, 2011

Talk Time-Warner at Varna Tuesday

The Town will be hosting a meeting about Time-Warner's long-expired cable franchise agreement and the difficulties in getting them to expand service:

Dryden Town Meeting
September 6, 2011, 7:30 PM
Varna Community Center,
Route 366

This meeting will cover the history and current status of Time Warner Cable's Franchise Agreement with the Town of Dryden. It will be followed by citizen experiences of Time Warner access requests and customer service issues. Hope to see you there.

For a lot more detail about these issues, check out this Just the Facts piece from itsaboutthestory.

Posted by simon at September 1, 2011 5:12 PM in
Note on photos


Claire Perez said:


I enjoyed your photographs of the walled city...feels a bit too closed. I am wondering however, what kind of camera you use as I am in the market for a new one?

Back to Time Warner, thanks for the piece on your blog about the meeting. I hope many citizens show up.
