January 25, 2012

Lots happening, and questioning home rule

As always, Dryden Town Talk is a must-read.

Volunteer opportunities, jazz concerts, pancakes, chowder, a father-daughter dance... there's lots going on!

I guess State Senator Jim Seward's earlier comments about home rule didn't sit well with the Dryden Safe Energy Coalition folks. Tracy Marisa (of One of Nine and webmaster of the DSEC) writes to argue that local government should stay out of the drilling conversation.

I never thought I'd see the day when Republicans would argue that New York State regulation was the conservative solution and that the DEC was our reliable guardian. Somehow, though, that's been the story for the past six months or so.

I guess that makes Texas, where home rule is just a given in the drilling conversation, a bunch of crazy hippies, and not just in Austin.

Update: And the pro-fracking forces are even praising the President. Maybe "forget the local, forget the State. This should be federal!" will be coming soon to Dryden?

Posted by simon at January 25, 2012 12:44 PM in , ,
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