May 1, 2013

Solarize, Wednesday at Varna Community Center

It's time for the second Dryden meeting, before the meetings shift to Caroline and Danby. You can, of course, go to any meeting to learn more, or visit the website.

Solarize Tompkins SE wants to bring many new solar photovoltaic (PV) or solar thermal (hot water) installations to Caroline, Dryden, and Danby in 2013. Working with state and county organizations, area residents, and solar energy installers, this campaign will streamline the installation process, making a Solar Energy system easy and affordable. This program is open to residences, farmers, business owners, municipalities, and institutions.

The Solarize campaign will reduce costs and technical barriers by pre-selecting qualified installers, enrolling a group of motivated customers that will enable bulk purchasing discounts, and educate our neighbors about the benefits and feasibility of solar power.

Our first workshop (last Tuesday) was a big success. We learned about the Solarize program, heard informative presentations by Rory from Solar Liberty about solar electric systems and Joe from Renovus about solar hot water systems, and we had very good conversations about going solar with our full-house of interested friends and neighbors. If you missed the first, we're having five more. You only need attend one, but you're welcome to attend as many as you'd like!

Come learn the details of the program with Solarize Tompkins SE.

Varna Community Center, 943 Dryden Road (Route 366), 7:00pm, Wednesday, May 1st.

Kick the fossil fuel habit. Go solar in 2013!

For the complete schedule of public meetings see

Solarize will have additional meetings in Caroline and Danby.

Posted by simon at May 1, 2013 4:44 AM in
Note on photos