September 8, 2014

Vote Teachout/Wu Tuesday, September 9th

New York State Democrats have a unique opportunity to improve the political culture of our state tomorrow. Zephyr Teachout's run challenges not just Governor Cuomo, but a culture of power in Albany that has drained New York State too long.

Vote Teachout/Wu on September 9th.

I'm supporting Teachout and Wu because they understand power. I don't mean that they understand how to twist arms, raise money, and gin up popular support for things they wanted to do anyway. I mean that they understand that political power works best when it is widely distributed and its workings are visible.

Their campaign has already revived a lot of us.

Yes, they're both professors, and yes, they're both from Downstate, though Teachout grew up on a farm in Vermont. I can live with that easily. They're hardly political neophytes, having worked on campaigns, clerked for judges, been cited in Supreme Court opinions, and testified before Congress.

They won't fit in Albany at all. That's exactly what we need today.

(If you have the time, explore Teachout's Cornell Law Review paper, The Anti-Corruption Principle. It's about the federal government, but it all applies to New York State too neatly. We've built a legal system with a high tolerance for backroom deals, and it will strangle us if we let it.)

Polls will be open in Dryden from noon to 9:00pm.

Current election district boundaries in the Town of Dryden.

Once you figure out what district you're in, you can figure out your polling place:

  1. Etna Fire Station - 26 Wood Road, Etna (map).
  2. Freeville Fire Station - 21 Union Street, Freeville (map).
  3. Dryden Fire Station - 26 North Street, Dryden (map).
  4. Varna Community Center - 943 Dryden Road, Varna (map).
  5. Etna Fire Station - 26 Wood Road, Etna (map).
  6. Dryden Fire Station - 26 North Street, Dryden (map).
  7. Dryden Fire Station - 26 North Street, Dryden (map).
  8. Bethel Grove Church Activity Center - 1749 Slaterville Road, Bethel Grove (map).
  9. Varna Community Center - 943 Dryden Road, Varna (map).
  10. Dryden Fire Station - 26 North Street, Dryden (map).

If you'd like to see a sample ballot before going in, the Board of Elections has them.

Most of all, vote!

Posted by simon at September 8, 2014 8:43 PM in
Note on photos