November 08, 2003

No to a contract, yes to a budget

Teachers in the Dryden Central School District rejected a contract offer.

Earlier this week, the Dryden Town Board passed next year's budget. The Journal says that the town tax stayed at $1.47 per $1000 assessment, while the fire tax increased from $1.53 to $1.57. My tax bill for last year agrees with the town tax number, but cites a fire rate of $1.31, so I'm confused here.

(It's also worth noting that the town is getting $847,000 in property taxes this year, compared to $780,000 last year, despite having the same rate per assessed value. Assessments were revised last year. Mine went up - which I thought was reasonable.)

Update/comparison: - The Town of Ithaca kept both its property tax rate and its fire tax rate the same this year. Most towns are pushing upward on both, as well as assessments, though.

Posted by simonstl at November 8, 2003 09:07 AM
Note on photos