January 27, 2004

Suggested changes to Draft Comprehensive Plan

David Weinstein, a member of the Town Planning Board who commented here a while ago, sent me some letters he's sent the Planning Board suggesting changes to to the Draft Comprehensive Plan.

There are two sets of suggestions. The first is a general look at the plan, while the second is detailed changes to the section on hamlets.

Two paragraphs in his general comments suggest the overall theme he's found:

A predominant theme I heard was that we had deviated somewhat from our mandate, which was to keep Dryden pretty much the way it is, a rural residential community with significant farming activities. In our concern to be ready for development, we created too many opportunities for large scale rapid change to current uses and character. There is no reason to do that, and it certainly goes against the overwhelming attitude voiced in the town survey. We need to protect existing farms and better buffer existing natural areas and sensitive environments (Unique Natural Areas and Wetlands).
It is of particular concern that so many people felt the character of their community could change rapidly under this plan. That is not what we had in mind, but looking back on the plan there are numerous pathways by which these types of changes could start happening. I don't think any of us would be happy if we looked back 10 years from now and saw a town that had changed in character more rapidly than was necessary simply because the plan did not protect that character adequately.

Fortunately the draft is still just a draft, and hopefully there's still time to ensure that Dryden doesn't lose its character.

Posted by simonstl at January 27, 2004 12:12 PM
Note on photos