May 03, 2004

SPCA facilities, Stone Circle School

Today's Dryden news in the Ithaca Journal is friendly stuff. The Journal takes a look at the new SPCA building on Hanshaw Road, which is nearing completion. It sounds like an enormous change from the old building, which will still be used for overflow and an infirmary. The new building will be opening June 5. I also missed an article Friday by SPCA Director Nathan Winograd on the local SPCA's leadership in the no-kill shelter movement.

There's a letter on Waldorf schools from the people at Stone Circle School, "the Waldorf-inspired school that exists now in an historic schoolhouse on Turkey Hill Road" (map). In looking around for information on the school, I found this on the stone circle itself.

Looking beyond the Town, there's a story on the Ithaca school board elections, as well as a piece on Tompkins County's plans for dealing with West Nile Virus this summer.

Posted by simonstl at May 3, 2004 07:43 AM
Note on photos