June 03, 2004

Dryden school budget, TC3 criminal justice

Today's Ithaca Journal reports on last night's budget-cutting at the Dryden School Board meeting, as the Board tries to modify their budget for a second round of voting after the original budget failed on a 718-718 tie vote.

The article includes a long list of items being cut, and the Journal's editorial today warns about what contigency budgets will look like. (Commentator David Rossie sarcastically suggests that school boards should take the same budget approach as the state, as legislators seem to keep getting re-elected, but somehow that doesn't seem practical.)

In brighter news, TC3 is adding an A.S. degree in criminal justice, complementing its existing A.A.S. program with a program aimed at students who want to transfer to a four-year institution for further work.

Posted by simonstl at June 3, 2004 08:22 AM
Note on photos