July 24, 2004

Democrats party for Kerry

County Legislator Martha Robertson held a "Party for Kerry" at her home Friday, raising money for the Kerry campagin in the last few days before the convention and the end of fundraising. (Once Kerry accepts public funding, the fundraising and spending based on that fundraising comes to an end.)

Democrats get together
Democrats get together

Robertson and State Democratic Committee representative Peter Stein talked about the campaign, the frustrations of being in a "safe" state while battles for other states are in progress, ways Democrats can help the national ticket, and prospects for local races this fall.

Martha Robertson and Peter Stein
Martha Robertson and Peter Stein talk about Democratic prospects.

Dryden seems very politically awake this election year. Signs are up, people are active, and it's only July.

Posted by simonstl at July 24, 2004 12:04 AM
Note on photos