August 04, 2004

Organic farm research in Freeville

This morning's Ithaca Journal visits the open house at Cornell's Freeville Organic Research Farm, looking at the experiments underway and visitor reactions.

Also in Freeville, Congressman Sherwood Boehlert will be hosting a forum on homeland security and first responders at the Freeville Fire Department (map) from 7 to 8pm tonight.

In Dryden Town Talk, Cathy Wakeman discusses last week's 4-H Fair, Sertoma Soccer, and concerts coming up.

The Dryden Briefs mention both the Conservation Board's continuing search for a new member and a tire collection day to be held Sunday, October 16th.

On the opinion page, Murray Cohen continues the apparent trend of Dryden residents writing on gay marriage, asking "To those opposed to gay marriage, if you're sincere in your belief in the sanctity of marriage, how can what other people do attenuate that belief?"

Update: Oops. Forgot to mention this piece on July's constant rains (more than double the average) and their impact on farmers.

Another update: I also left out this editorial on TC3's unhappy interactions with the New York State budget debacle.

Posted by simonstl at August 4, 2004 06:55 AM
Note on photos