August 27, 2004

More youth in need of supervision

Judging by the Journal's local news page, yesterday was one of the quietest local news days in a long time. I guess it's August!

County Legislator Martha Robertson is cited extensively in a story about the rise in Persons In Need of Supervision (PINS) from 149 in 2001 to 188 in 2003. Supervision is expensive: $193,000 last year for 429 days of detention. (That's around $450 a day.) Robertson would prefer to see earlier intervention and work with families: "There is unanimous agreement that earlier we work with families in trouble, the more successful we will be."

The Journal's editorial looks at the costs of Pataki's vetoes of $10.6 million of capital project aid and $325,000 of base aid. It's up to the legislature, especially the Senate, which controls the timing, to attempt an override or let it stand. As the Journal puts it, "Despite the inexcusably late budget, state legislators have an opportunity to recoup whatever lingering public respect remains for them by restoring the capital improvement lines and base aid for the SUNY system."

Posted by simonstl at August 27, 2004 08:47 AM
Note on photos