September 11, 2004

Helping after a hurricane

This morning's Journal reports on the return of Dryden resident Frank Palmer and Jill Ferguson from hurricane relief work in Florida. Volunteering with the Red Cross, both went to Florida after Hurricane Charley and "were redeployed when Frances made landfall."

Turkey Hill Road will be closed Monday between Ellis Hollow and Ellis Hollow Creek Roads for bridge repair work.

There's reporting on Tuesday's Republican primary for the 24th Congressional District, with an article looking at the positions of Sherwood Boehlert and David Walrath, as well as a piece on their fund-raising and spending. Boehlert has outspent Walrath substantially.

In state news, the State Senate has adjourned until after the November election, apparently taking advantage of the incredible lateness of the state budget to avoid having to make clear to voters where they stand on it. Meanwhile, a Democratic Assemblyman from Westchester is calling for substantial reform to New York's constitution.

On the opinion page, L. George Van Son of Dryden writes about his concerns about "the current administration's agenda to use fundamental evangelical religious philosophy to shape American values in their image."

Murray Cohen of Dryden sends a laurel to PETA for a protest at an Ithaca KFC restaurant. There's also a piece by County Legislator Michael Koplinka-Loehr on the public hearings for the county budget and likely issues.

Posted by simonstl at September 11, 2004 09:46 AM
Note on photos