October 16, 2004

County budget sorting out

The county budget is coming to a conclusion, but it sounds like a muddle. Capital spending issues, especially for the jail and highways, drove the budget beyond the 3% levy increase cap. $48,000 for a half-time prosecutor, which seems to be the same money that led to last year's "Dentes Snuffs Drug Court" headline, was added Friday, along with $200,000 more for highways. County Legislator Martha Robertson doesn't sound happy:

"I don't like the signal we are sending here," said Martha Robertson, D-Dryden. "You ask for sky and at least you will get Mount Everest."

On the opinion page, Dryden's Neptune Hose Company gets a laurel for helping put out a barn fire in Harford, and there's a piece opposing the upcoming referendum on Off-Track Betting in Tompkins County by Newfield County Legislator Daniel Winch.

Posted by simonstl at October 16, 2004 09:39 AM
Note on photos