October 19, 2004

Sample ballot, and other politics

Today's Ithaca Journal notes that sample ballots are available from the Tompkins County Board of Elections. The Dryden ballot can be viewed online here (46KB PDF).

There's an article on a variety of web sites pushing reform of New York State government, though my favorite isn't mentioned: NYCO's Blog, which regularly links these and articles from across the state. (She covers national politics, the old Erie Canal, and a lot of other subjects too.)

On the opinion page, the Journal encourages readers to visit the Attorney General's prescription drug price comparison site. Peter Littman of Dryden challenges Vice-President Cheney's comments at the vice-presidential debate, concluding that "Cheney's lie during the debate wasn't the first one he's told, and it wasn't the biggest."

Posted by simonstl at October 19, 2004 08:32 AM
Note on photos