October 27, 2004

Signs of the (political) times

Dryden is pretty well covered by signs about the presidential race, as well as signs for Congressional candidates Boehlert and Miller, plus the occasional Barbara Lifton sign. (I don't think I've seen signs for Jim Seward, but I'm not certain.)

These are a few of the more striking political signs I've found driving around Dryden the last few weeks, often on my way to deliver more ordinary signs.

George Bush is a reckless fool
George Bush is a reckless fool.

Love your neighbor, pray for your enemy
Love your neighbor, pray for your enemy.

Bush must go... four more years
Bush must go... four more years.

Study the issues... pray... vote your conscience.
Study the issues... pray... vote your conscience.

Once again, I think it's probably obvious that I don't endorse all of the positions displayed here.

Posted by simonstl at October 27, 2004 05:43 PM
Note on photos