January 24, 2005

Windmills, weather, and wish lists

This morning's Journal mentions a project I've heard rumored but not seen in print, the possibility of Cornell setting up windmills in Dryden and elsewhere in Tompkins County. The University is doing tests now in Dryden, "though Joyce declined to elaborate on where in the town they were looking."

This weekend's frozen and snowy weather gets an article looking at accidents, busy plumbers, snowmobilers, and skiing at Greek Peak.

On the opinion page, the Journal asked local town supervisors for their 2005 goals. Dryden Supervisor Steve Trumbull listed:

finish the $300,000 FEMA-funded project to restore eroded Virgil Creek banks near Lake Road. Other important town goals should be the adoption of a storm water management ordinance, a new town comprehensive plan, implementation of staff and volunteer boards' in-house service training, refinishing an employee policy handbook, the annexation of property off Route 13 near the A-1 restaurant for water lines and progress on a plan to extend a walking trail that borders Dryden Lake.

Posted by simonstl at January 24, 2005 07:43 AM
Note on photos